List residents' information


Add New Resident

Feature: Add New Resident Information

This feature allows users to add detailed information about a new resident using a comprehensive form. The form includes multiple sections to collect all necessary data, such as personal information, contact details, emergency contacts, and other relevant details. This ensures that each resident's profile is complete and accessible for future reference.

Usage Example:

When a new resident joins the facility, administrators can use this form to accurately enter all their information. By completing each section – Personal Information, Current Address, Family & Contact, and more – staff ensures the resident's profile is comprehensive. This organized structure of resident information helps improve record-keeping, facilitates access to essential data, and supports smooth management of resident profiles within the system.

Add New Resident


Resident File Status Management

Feature: Resident File Status Management

This feature allows users to manage and update a resident's file status. Through this form, administrators can indicate if the resident's file is active and if the resident receives special assistance for living expenses related to addiction treatment services. The form also includes fields for arrival date and expected end date, which helps track the resident's length of stay.

Usage Example:

When a new resident is admitted, administrators can use this section to set the status of their file and document important dates. Checking the "Active File" box indicates that the resident is currently under the facility's care. This feature enables better tracking of resident files, ensuring that necessary support and benefits are documented and accessible when needed.

Resident File Status Management


Residents List

Feature: Residents List Management

This feature displays a list of residents with essential information such as their unique code, first name, last name, special benefit status, and file status. Administrators can quickly view and manage resident information, track currently active individuals, and identify those receiving special benefits. The search function allows users to filter the list, and options to generate a PDF or add new entries provide added convenience.

Usage Example:

When an administrator needs to review the current resident list, they can use this interface to find specific individuals or check the overall status of all residents. For example, they can search by name or code to locate a particular resident's file, verify if they are active, or confirm if they receive certain benefits. This feature facilitates efficient resident management and ensures that files are easily accessible for administrative purposes.

Resident List


Resident Info: Case Status

Feature: Detailed Resident Information

This feature provides a comprehensive view of a resident's profile, including essential details about their file, personal information, and emergency contacts. Users can view the resident’s file number, file creation date, emergency call history, and file status. Additionally, this section includes personal information such as date of birth, health insurance number, contact details, address, and emergency contact information.

Usage Example:

When administrators or caregivers need a detailed overview of a resident, they can use this section to review all relevant information in one place. This enables efficient file management, as staff can verify personal details, track emergency incidents, and ensure all contact information is up to date. This centralized access to resident information is crucial for providing personalized and prompt support.

Resident Info: Case Status


Resident Info: Active Profile

Feature: Resident Active Profile Management

This feature allows users to view and manage detailed aspects of a resident's active profile. It includes the resident's file status, eligibility for special housing benefits, and records of multiple returns. The section also tracks departure information, with statistics on the number of recorded departures and days of leave taken. Administrators can add new entries for returns or departures, providing a comprehensive view of the resident's movement history and profile status.

Usage Example:

When a resident frequently leaves and returns to the facility, administrators can record each instance, including the expected return date and reason for departure, allowing for accurate tracking of their activities. The statistics section helps manage the resident's file by keeping a record of absences and leave days taken. This centralized information helps staff ensure continuity of care and supports detailed case management.

Resident Info: Active Profile


Resident Info: Progress Notes

Feature: Progress Notes Management

This feature allows users to add and manage progress notes for each resident. Progress notes enable caregivers and administrators to document observations, updates, and ongoing interventions related to a resident's file. Each note entry includes information about the staff member who added it, the content of the note, the date, as well as available actions to edit or delete entries.

Usage Example:

When a caregiver observes significant changes in a resident's condition or provides specific care, they can record these details in a progress note. This keeps an organized history of interactions and updates, facilitating the review of past notes and ensuring consistent care. This feature also supports smooth communication among team members, who can view previous notes and track the resident's progress over time.

Resident Info: Progress Notes


Resident Info: Notes VSC

Feature: VCS Notes Management

This feature allows staff members to view and manage VCS (Voluntary Community Service) notes related to a resident. It provides a list of notes where each entry includes information such as the name of the shelter worker who added the note, the note content, and the date of entry. This organized view helps staff quickly track and review all interactions and observations related to the resident.

Usage Example:

When a staff member documents an observation or an important interaction with the resident, they can add a note to this list. Each entry provides a clear record of the event, including the date and details, which are essential for continuity of care. The actions column allows for quick edits or deletions, ensuring that the notes are always up-to-date and relevant. This feature facilitates better communication within the team, allowing everyone involved to stay informed of recent updates regarding the resident.

Resident Info: Notes VSC


Resident Info: Link Notes

Feature: Liaison Notes Management

This feature allows users to add, view, and manage liaison notes related to a resident. Each note entry displays the name of the staff member who added it, the content of the note, the date, and actions to edit or delete the note. Liaison notes are essential for documenting communications with external partners or significant interactions that impact the resident's care, ensuring that all relevant updates are available to the care team.

Usage Example:

If a caregiver receives important information from an external agency or has a significant update regarding the resident’s situation, they can record it as a liaison note. This keeps the team informed of external communications and any impact on the resident’s care plan. The ability to edit or delete notes ensures that information remains accurate and relevant.

Resident Info: Liaison Notes


Resident Info: Meeting Notes

Feature: Meeting Notes Management

This feature allows users to add, view, and manage meeting notes for each resident. Meeting notes are used to document important discussions and decisions made regarding the resident's care during meetings. Each note entry includes information about the staff member who added it, the content of the note, the date, and actions to edit or delete the note.

Usage Example:

If a member of the care team attends a meeting about the progress or future care plans of a resident, they can record the main points and decisions as a meeting note. This keeps all team members informed of updates or changes, ensuring continuity of care and supporting collaborative decision-making.

Resident Info: Meeting Notes